World Work in Joel’s Words – March 2019

Joel taught that rising in consciousness to realized Christhood is not ultimately for our own benefit, but the means to uplift the consciousness of mankind universally and dispel the ignorance of truth that is at the root of all human trouble.  He spoke often about how we as individuals can be an influence in bringing that freedom to the world. 

On the first of each month, we post an excerpt from Joel’s writing on this topic.  The following excerpt is from Chapter 5, “Freedom in Christ,” in Consciousness Unfolding.  

Never forget this: The world, as a human world, is not the real world.  There is nothing that we should or can do about the human situation.  It is all a question of unfoldment.  There must be a transcendental working out of all errors.  To do that, we turn to God and realize the presence of God in operation at all times and in all places.  We are to lift thought up out of its material sense and bring to light a spiritual awakening. The metaphysician does not remove a growth or an obstruction; but through spiritual realization, some great spiritual activity is set up in consciousness, and it dissolves this seeming error.

This same principle should be applied to world conditions and world affairs.  Errors are real only to the mortal sense of reality.  They are not real in the spiritual realm, and they are not real to the student of spiritual reality.  There is no solution to them, except as someone, somewhere, touches the divine Consciousness and brings truth to light.  If you and I can touch infinity every day of the week, and if, when confronted by these world problems, we can realize: “Father, there is a divine plan, but it does not lie in the realm of my human thinking, or in the realm of any human thinking.  There is a spiritual universe, just as there is a spiritual body, which I bring forth through spiritual enlightenment; and, therefore, there is a spiritual solution to every problem on earth.”

Most of the cases that come to us come only after the doctor says that there is no hope.  The metaphysical movement is made up of the living “dead,” those whom the doctors had pronounced near death, years and years ago, but who are still walking the earth.  They are the living proof that neither life nor its individual formation can be destroyed.  They are the living proof that for every condition the world calls sin, disease, or death, there is a spiritual light, a spiritual consciousness, which will dispel it.  Is there any difference between the healing of such conditions and the healing of what the world calls an international debt, or an unsolvable international problem?  No.  We have the solution for every problem ever existing and sufficient spiritual enlightenment to reveal it.  That is all that is required—enlightened consciousness.

The light of God must shine through as individual consciousness.  That spiritual light appears as a man or a woman.  It appears in a language we can understand.  Deep as are the problems of the world today, unsolvable as they seem to be under human thinking and human planning, in reality, there is no such thing as an unsolvable problem.  But the solution will be revealed only by those who turn within to the kingdom of God and touch that lighted center of their own being.  These will bring forth the light, and to the world, such a one may appear as another Jesus of Galilee or another Saul of Tarsus.  Someone will come to light at the necessary moment and it may not be one, but a dozen.

Previously Posted Excerpts