World Work in Joel’s Words – September 2018

The following excerpt is from Recording #562, Side 2:  World Work —We May Not Pass by on the Other Side” 

At this stage of your Infinite Way development, unfoldment, or state of consciousness, you are responsible for every picture that presents itself to your sight or hearing.  You may not pass by on the road.  It is given to men, the human world, to ignore the troubles of their fellow travelers, especially if they are of a different land or different religion or different race or different color.  It is not so given unto you.  The grace which you have received from God was not given to you for you.  It was given to you as the fruitage of God, which the world is to eat:  “Take, eat of my body, drink of my blood.[1]  Give up your grapes to the world; you are a wonderful vine on whom more grapes will grow … so let your grapes go out into the market, into the world.

At this state of your unfoldment, you owe a debt to God and to the world, and that is that you do not pass by on the other side of the road, but that you take note of every discord, every inharmony, and bring to bear the activity of the Christ.  Be a transparency through which the Christ may dissolve the appearance.  You do nothing, and you do not necessarily have to think anything, but you must be still.  You must be still for an instant and let His Spirit flow through you to the appearance and dissolve it.  You may not pass by on the other side.  You are at a state of spiritual unfoldment where you have already been told to leave your nets—not to go anywhere or to do anything … but rather to cease your fishing for a moment, and be fishers of men.  And how?  Just by recognition.  It only takes a moment, the blink of an eye, to realize that in the presence of Christ, temporal power is not power. …

Realize that in the face of every appearance, whenever a human appears to us, we are to lift up the Son of God in them and realize God incarnate in them. Whenever an appearance of sin, disease, death, lack, limitation, disaster, presents itself to us, we are instantly to realize that in the presence of God realized, in the presence of the realized Christ, temporal power is not power.  Whether that temporal power is appearing in the form of sin or disease or death or accident or war, we are to realize that in the presence of the realized Christ, temporal power is not power.  In heaven or on earth there is no greater power than I Am.

[1] Matthew 26:26-27