Monthly World Work Recordings

Joel gave several beautiful classes on world work and topics related to world work.  Since Joel’s recordings are still under copy protection, we have obtained permission to post these recordings for your online or telephone listening.  Each recording will be available for listening at any time for one month after it is posted.  There is a list of previously posted recordings at the bottom of this page.

To hear the recording by telephone, call
1-641-715-3900, and enter the extension number 828754, followed by the pound sign (#).  After you enter the extension number, the introduction to the recording will begin, followed by the recording itself.  The telephone number and the extension number will always be the same, even as we change the recording each month.  Depending on your telephone calling plan, the call may or may not incur a charge, so it is a good idea to check whether your plan covers calls to the 641 area code.  Even if you usually participate in the tape group by computer, the telephone option is convenient when you would like to listen to the recording but for some reason do not have access to your computer.

Current Recording (Posted July 1, 2024)

You can listen to this recording from the Sanctuary page, which is a visually serene environment.  To listen by telephone, call 1-641-715-3900 and enter 828754#.

The recording for this month is Recording 35A, from the 1953 Second Seattle Class, titled “Fishers of Men.” This class is the basis for Chapter 11, “Awake Thou That Sleepest,” in Leave Your Nets. 

Preview of the Class

In this class, Joel reminds us that this three-dimensional world, the material world, is a false concept of the only universe that exists—the spiritual, real world of God’s creating. He emphasizes that this appearance world is not to be destroyed, but to be seen through. Only spiritual consciousness, or the Christ, can see through the false concept, and we gain this spiritual consciousness by awakening to it.

So when we look at the world of appearances, we do not wonder how to improve them. “You” will not improve them, but illumination will dissolve them! If we are to be the light of the world, we cannot be fascinated or hypnotized by the world of appearances. Our responsibility is always to look out from the standpoint of God—that is the secret to waking out of the illusion. Once you know God as the infinite power of good, the infinite substance and law of the universe, you see through appearances to a world that is God-governed, God-maintained, and God-sustained. You behold men as the sons of God and realize that man does not need to be saved or rescued; man has to be awakened. The moment one individual begins to look at life from the standpoint of God, starting every thought with God, the rest of the world begins to respond to that light.

There is no human solution to the human scene. There is a spiritual solution, and it is to wake up to the realization that “man, whose breath is in his nostrils,” is not a reality. The only reality is the Christ as individual being. Joel encourages us to remember that something in our consciousness has prepared us to wake up and be the light of the world. Even if we have glimpsed just a tiny measure of the light, it will pour forth into the world in ever-growing measure, lighting the way for those still in darkness. But, he says, success or failure does not depend on our personal effort. We are only the instruments, through which the Christ is finding entrance into human consciousness to spread Its light.

  • The recording will be available for listening through July 31, 2024. 
  • To purchase the recording or the transcript from the Infinite Way Office, click/tap here.  (Remember that all Goldsmith classes are available for purchase on iTunes as well.  If you use iTunes, this may be a more convenient ordering option for you.  Also, all recordings are available for listening with a subscription to the Joel Goldsmith Streaming Service.)
  • To listen to this recording by telephone, call 1-641-715-3900 and enter 828754#.  

Previously Posted Recordings

June 1-30, 2024

Recording 442A: 1961 Hawaiian Village Open Class
“The Secret of the Word Made Flesh”

May 1-31, 2024

Recording 428A: 1961 October Los Angeles Special Class
“Laying the Axe at the Root”

April 1-30, 2024

Recording 243B: 1959 Maui Advanced Work
“The New Life by Grace”

March 1-31, 2024

Recording 495A: 1962 London Special Class
“Nature of Spiritual Power”

February 1-29, 2024

Recording 387B: 1961 Waikiki Infinite Way Center
“Attaining the Light That Dispels Darkness”

January 1-31, 2024

Recording 356A: 1960 England Open Class
“Solving World’s Problems”
This class is one of three used as source material for Chapter 10, “The Government Is on His Shoulders,” in Our Spiritual Resources.

To view recordings posted in 2023, click/tap here.
To view recordings posted in 2022, click/tap here. 
To view recordings posted in 2021, click/tap here.
To view recordings posted in 2020, click/tap here.
To view recordings posted in 2019, click/tap here.
To view recordings posted in 2018, click/tap here.
To view recordings posted in 2017, click/tap here.
To view recordings posted in 2016, click/tap here.