What’s New – July 2024

Posted on July 20, 2024

  • We have posted a new question and answer from Joel, in which the student asks, “When faced with a problem and seeking divine guidance, alternative answers—each apparently reasonable—may come. How does one know which is the real?”

Posted on July 6, 2024

Posted on July 1, 2024

New World Work Recording

Celebrate Spiritual Freedom on the Fourth of July

During the month of July, we invite you to hear a wonderful class on freedom, titled “Freedom Spiritually Discerned.” To listen, click/tap here.

On Thursday, the 4th of July, the United States will celebrate Independence Day.  While this day has special significance for Americans, Joel taught that it should be a universal celebration of freedom.  He said,

“For us in this work … Every day of the week is a Fourth of July, because the greatest thing we have gained from our study is freedom—spiritual freedom. We have attained freedom from fears, freedom from most diseases, freedom from fear of death. . . . The greatest quality, the greatest activity, that ever comes into the experience of a spiritual student is freedom—freedom from theological domination, freedom from the law. . . .  We are free from the fear and experience of lack, even if it is only in a measure. Our entire work is attaining freedom. The whole mission of the Christ is to set us free. Therefore, we need no Fourth of July. Every day has to be a Fourth of July, in which we rejoice in our freedom, in which we remember how it is attained and how we can give it to those who come to us.”

We wish our friends in the United States and around the world the beautiful blessing of spiritual freedom. “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”    

In loving recognition of the indwelling Christ,
Liz and Marty

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