This recording is the basis for Chapter 10, “Dominion,” in Seek Ye First. This recording was posted through July 24, 2021, and is no longer available on this site. If you subscribe to the Joel S. Goldsmith Streaming Service, you can listen to it there. To purchase this recording or the transcript from The Infinite Way Office, click/tap here.
To download or print these study suggestions, click/tap here.
This superb class on dominion speaks for itself. It is clear and direct, complete with instruction on how we can regain the dominion we may have surrendered.
Probably the best “study” for this session is to practice. We can watch ourselves carefully and notice where we are surrendering our dominion; where we are giving power to something other than our own consciousness. Then we can follow Joel’s direction and take the actions he advises to reassert and EXERCISE our dominion. Sometimes the ways we surrender our dominion are very subtle or habitual, so increased alertness is important.
As always, you will know the best way for you to practice this lesson. However you choose to practice, it is helpful to keep in mind the key points from the lesson. You can listen to the recording again and note the points that resonate with you. The example below consolidates key points from different parts of the class.
“The kingdom of God is within me. All that the Father hath is mine. God has given me dominion over the sea, the air, the sky, all that is in the earth. Nothing shall have any power over me, but God-given dominion flows out from me. There is no power external to me to operate in me or on me or through me, for I and my Father are one, and that oneness gives me God-power over all of these universal beliefs. Thank you, Father. I am God- governed, God-maintained, God-sustained, and this is the spiritual truth about everyone in our land and on our globe.”
This is exercising the God-given dominion that has always been yours. Eventually, you will remember it automatically. Then you have dominion to the extent that nothing bothers you—not the weather, the climate, germs, the calendar, or anything else. This doesn’t mean that you look at a bad day and call it good, or that thousands around you will not fall to germs or infection or contagion. It just means that you have such God-given dominion within you that none of these things have dominion over you.
Goldsmith Global – Joel Goldsmith Infinite Way
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