Session 7: Higher Stages of Consciousness Attained Through the Practice of Meditation

The Recording

Recording 231A, “Practicing the Presence – Communion – Union,” from the 1958 London Open Class, is the basis for Chapter 6, “Steps to Union with God,” in Seek Ye First

  • To listen to recording 231A at any time, click/tap here. The recording will be available through April 19, 2025.
  • To purchase recording 231A and/or the transcript from The Infinite Way Office, click/tap here.
  • To listen to the recording by telephone, call 1-641-715-3900 and enter 983799#.

Optional Study and Practice Suggestions

To download or print these study suggestions, click/tap here.

Recording 231A

In the recordings for previous sessions, Joel mentioned the higher states of consciousness that can be attained through the practice of meditation. In this class, he gives more detail on what he calls “communion” and “union.”

Chapter 6, “Steps to Union with God,” in the book Seek Ye First, is virtually a transcript of Recording 231A, so we did not prepare a summary. If you do not have Seek Ye First, you can purchase it new from Amazon, The Infinite Way Office, or your local bookseller. Used copies are available at lower prices from Abe Books and eBay. You can also order the transcript for Recording 231A from The Infinite Way Office.

Higher States of Consciousness Attained Through Meditation Practice

In some classes, Joel speaks clearly and eloquently about these higher states of consciousness, but often, the class covers several other topics as well. Since it is difficult to find classes that focus solely on these higher states of consciousness, we have prepared excerpts from some classes in which Joel is particularly clear on this topic. To view or download these excerpts, click/tap here.

Supplementary Recording

Recording 319A, titled “Practicing the Presence: Contemplation, Meditation, Communion,” from the 1960 Indianapolis Special Class, provides a valuable review of our study thus far. It is always helpful to hear Joel address the same topic from a variety of perspectives. This recording is posted on the same page as Recording 231A. To listen to this recording by telephone, call 1-641-715-3900 and enter 119961#.

While Joel begins this class by saying he will take up the healing principles, he actually talks about meditation. He points out that it is spiritual consciousness that performs the healing works, and that spiritual consciousness is developed through the practice of meditation.

A Word of Encouragement

Joel often reminds us that the goal of The Infinite Way is conscious union with God, or “having that mind in you that was also in Christ Jesus,” and that we attain that goal primarily through the practice of meditation. Sometimes, this goal may seem far off, but in Chapter 6 of Seek Ye First (the chapter for which Recording 231A was the source), he gives us wonderful words of encouragement:

God is no respecter of persons, and if Jesus Christ left us one message, it is that his God is your God and mine. What was possible to him is possible to you and to me. Whether or not you or I ever attain the fullness of what he did does not change the truth that potentially you can make that same demonstration if you have that same devotion, and if that grace of God is with you. But whether or not you attain that fullness, I can tell you that even without it, there is a great deal of joy in even this much fullness. You have something greater than the message. You have the source of the message, which is the kingdom of God within you, and you use this message to help you break through into that kingdom.