Recording 175A, “I Say Unto You,” is from the 1956 New York Laurelton Hotel Class. It was used as source material for Chapter 10, “Ye Have Heard It Said of Old,” Chapter 11, “I Say Unto You,” and Chapter 16, “That Ye May Be the Children of Your Father,” in The Thunder of Silence. This recording is no longer available on this site. If you subscribe to the Joel Goldsmith Streaming Service, you can listen to it there. To purchase this recording and/or the transcript from The Infinite Way Office, click/tap here.
Living the Life of “I Say Unto You”
In this class, Joel reiterates that the Sermon on the Mount presents two ways of life.
“YE HAVE HEARD IT SAID OF OLD” is the human way of life, a way in which you must protect yourself, or battle something, or struggle. This way of life is based on the erroneous premise that there are two powers in this world: the power of good and the power of evil.
“I SAY UNTO YOU” is the mystical way of life. It is a life lived by spiritual principle, and that principle is God—infinite, eternal, universal, omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. It is a life in which you RESIST NOT EVIL in the realization that there is only ONE power. You take no anxious thought because you know that God is maintaining and sustaining the universe, and you trust that the Father within is taking care of your interests. “I say unto you” is a life in which you ABIDE in the nature of God as omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence.
We can only live this life of “I say unto you” if we know the spiritual principles and trust them. One of the key principles at the heart of the “I say unto you” way of life is the nature of error, which is also a foundational principle in The Infinite Way.
In this class, Joel suggests that for us to fully grasp why a deep understanding of the nature of error enables us to live the life of “I say unto you,” we should “read more chapters on the nature of error.”
If you would like to refresh your understanding of the nature of error as it is given in The Infinite Way, we recommend listening to Recording 280A, from the 1959 England Open Class, titled “The No-Power.” This recording is no longer available on this site. If you subscribe to the Joel Goldsmith Streaming Service, you can listen to it there. To purchase the recording and/or the transcript from The Infinite Way Office, click/tap here.
Much is written in the books on the nature of error. Here are some books that have an entire chapter devoted to that topic.
The Foundation of Mysticism: Chapter 8, “The Nature of Error”
The Master Speaks: Chapter 4, “Error”
The Mystical I: Chapter 7, “Impersonalizing Error”
Conscious Union with God: Chapter 4, “The Nature of Error”
Consciousness in Transition: Chapter 5, “The Nature of Error”
God, The Substance of All Form: Chapter 8, “ The Universal and Impersonal Nature of Truth and Error”
To download or print these study suggestions, click/tap here.
These optional study suggestions will remain the same throughout the program, although from time to time, we will post additional recordings for further optional study.
Read Different Translations of The Sermon on the Mount
Joel has said that it can be helpful to read several different translations of any Bible text because they can elicit new insights for you. On the Introduction page for this study program, we quote Joel on this topic and provide information about ways to access multiple Bible translations.
Write Your Own Version
As you study the Sermon on the Mount, you might enjoy paraphrasing the Bible text in your own words, keeping your interpretations and notes in a special journal. One way to approach this activity is to take one section of the Sermon, read and contemplate it, and then listen in receptivity, asking for light and wisdom. Then write what comes to you. As you write, often you will find that more and more insight comes to you.
As we suggested for an earlier study program, if writing is not something you enjoy, you can work in a different medium, capturing your interpretations in paintings or drawings, sculpture, poetry, music, or any art form.
Practice the Teachings
Each week, you might choose one thing from the Sermon and focus on practicing that for the entire week. It might be one of the beatitudes, or some other instruction given by Jesus, such as “judge not” or “pray for your enemies” or “take no thought.” Contemplate your selection to understand what it means. What would it look like to practice it in your own life? Then watch yourself throughout the day and see how you do. If you go off the beam, what pulled you off? How did you (or could you) get back on track? Reminder cards placed around your home or workspace, or reminders kept on your smartphone can be very helpful with this type of practice.
Use the Electronic Search Tool
As you hear the recordings and read Part 3 of The Thunder of Silence, if you feel that you don’t quite understand something that Joel teaches, the electronic search tool can help clarify his meaning. You can search for the topic or term you want to understand better and find many different places where Joel addresses that topic or term. As you read the excerpts provided by the search tool, you will gain a clearer understanding. To access the search tool and the instructions for using it, click/tap here.
Additional Reading
Seek Ye First
The title of Joel’s book Seek Ye First comes from the passage in the Sermon on the Mount where Jesus says, “Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matthew 6:31-33)
In the book, Joel elaborates on the meaning of that passage and relates it directly to The Infinite Way principles. You might enjoy reading the book, or some excerpts from it, in connection with this study program.
The Sermon on the Mount by Emmet Fox
Joel had high praise for Emmet Fox as a great mystic. So we are comfortable recommending the book The Sermon on the Mount by Emmet Fox. The book may be particularly helpful to those who do not have a deep knowledge of the Sermon, because Fox takes the reader passage by passage through the entire text, offering his enlightened interpretations and insights along the way.
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