This recording is the basis for Chapter 7, “World Work for All Infinite Way Students,” and was also used as source material for Chapter 8, “The Way of Grace,” in Beyond Words and Thoughts. While this recording is no longer available for listening on this website, if you are a subscriber to the Joel S. Goldsmith Streaming Service, you will be able to listen to it there. The additional study material for this recording will continue to be available here on the Goldsmith Global site. To purchase the recording or the transcript, click/tap here.
This summary is provided simply to remind you of the content of the class. To download or print this summary, click/tap here.
Joel begins this class by talking about supply, pointing out that In the Infinite Way, we see ourselves as spiritual offspring of God, joint heirs to all the heavenly riches. Scripture says, “Thy Grace is my sufficiency,” and so the only thing we seek is Grace—not houses, automobiles, or money. When you regard supply as Grace, you do not outline the form supply will take, and you may be surprised. Omniscience is the allness of every individual, and every individual is sent into expression to do a specific thing, so Grace operates within us to reveal Its plan for us.
The fruitage of seeing supply as Grace is that you come to realize that because of Oneness, we have all that the Father has. Nothing can be added to us, and nothing can be taken away. And, since infinity is the measure of my supply, I must start to pour. Pouring does not necessarily refer to giving money; the real givingness is the spiritual treasures we have and are willing to share. By giving them, we are really storing them up.
One way to “pour” is to devote time in prayer and meditation for the rest of the world, because when the activity of the Christ touches individual consciousness, we are freed to some degree of the world’s problems and beliefs. If the world is to be saved, it will be by the activity of the Christ in human consciousness. So it is our function to perfect ourselves, study, meditate, and let our consciousness become filled with the activity of the Christ. Joel saw it as a mission of every Infinite Way student to give not less than one period each day for an intelligent world meditation, because everyone who is engaged in a true world prayer activity is reaching somebody somewhere. It may even have been the prayer of some dedicated soul that brought you to this message.
The study and practice of specific Infinite Way principles raises our consciousness, and as we progress in this work through study and practice and some measure of the Spirit of God enters our consciousness, we find ourselves called upon to help others. Eventually we ask, “If this that functions through me for the benefit of myself and others is so powerful, can it help the entire world?” It can. The dedicated consciousness of individuals who understand the nature of prayer is transforming the world. As we rise higher and higher, we will witness greater and greater spiritual peace and harmony on earth.
Yet in prayer, we must not pray for any earthly conditions. Humanhood is based on the law of “self-preservation is the first law of human nature,” so nothing of a human nature will save the world. Only one thing will save the world—the activity of the Christ operating in human consciousness. So you cannot pray for peace on earth, because that is praying for an effect. You can only pray that the kingdom of God be realized on earth as it is in heaven, and then that realization will bring peace.
When you perceive that the carnal mind is non-power in the realization of the presence of the Christ, you are helping nullify it for the world. But it is not enough to simply remember that the carnal mind is not power. The truth is that it is not power in the realization of the presence of the Christ. The carnal mind is power on its own level of action, and it loses its power only when it comes in contact with the Christ.
So as Infinite Way students, we work “behind the scenes” by realizing the activity of the Christ dissolving human beliefs, human theories, human modes, and human antagonisms. We do not pray that the world be humanly better. Our prayer is always the recognition of the non-power of the carnal mind, and the activity of the Christ in human consciousness. Then we will witness changes on earth.
We are not setting out to make men better, but we are praying that the activity of the Christ take over their consciousness. We must not even care about a person’s race, religion, or nation, or who is in the majority of the government, as long as we are helping to provide everyone with education, culture, and spiritual endowment. Education, culture, and spiritual endowment—not simply birth—make for equality, and once the activity of the Christ takes over, in a generation or two, it will prove that we are all equal.
So as a “spiritual underground,” we keep the work on an impersonal basis. We pray that God’s kingdom be realized on earth, that the activity of the Christ be made manifest in human consciousness, and that the carnal mind be recognized for its non-power.
This website offers quite a few resources on the topic of world work. By clicking on “World Work” under the practice tab on the main menu, you will see a list of the resources we offer. We especially recommend that you explore these resources, if you are not already doing so.
Every month we post a new recording relating to world work, which you can hear at any time during the month. You can read about the currently posted recording on the “World Work Recordings” page, and you can listen to it from The Sanctuary page, which provides a more visually serene environment. Also, at the end of the World Work Recordings page, we provide the titles of the world work recordings played in past months and years.
Goldsmith Global – Joel Goldsmith Infinite Way
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