This class is one of two used as source material for Chapter 8, “The Way of Grace,” in Beyond Words and Thoughts. While this recording is no longer available for listening on this website, if you are a subscriber to the Joel S. Goldsmith Streaming Service, you will be able to listen to it there. The additional study material for this recording will continue to be available here on the Goldsmith Global site. To purchase the recording or the transcript, click/tap here.
This summary is provided simply to remind you of the content of the class. To download or print this summary, click/tap here.
In the metaphysical world, the subject of supply is given almost as much attention as the subject of health, but supply seems to be the more difficult to understand. The truth about health is also the truth about supply, but it is harder to convince the human mind of the truth of supply, because people equate supply with money.
The first secret of supply is that supply is the word of God. We do not live by bread alone, and if we do not receive the word of God, we are not receiving supply. We live by “every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God,”[1] so the first step in the demonstration of supply is understanding that the word of God is supply, and that consciousness must be specifically opened to receive that word. Opening consciousness to receive the word of God should be the first thing we do in the morning, the last thing we do at night, and something we do throughout the day. Only the word of God is meat, bread, wine, and water, and anyone who believes that they will be fed permanently and abundantly by anything else has missed the spiritual path. Without the word of God, you have no supply, regardless of how much money you might have.
Because God constitutes our consciousness, the grace of God is already within our consciousness, so we are never separate or apart from our supply. Supply is omnipresent and infinite, but it is available only in proportion as we specifically open our consciousness to receive it. God’s grace, which is supply, does not come to me because I earn it or deserve it, or because of somebody’s good will. God’s grace falls on the just and the unjust, and despite what you have been erroneously taught in the religious world, you do not have to be good to receive God’s grace. The only requirement for enjoying the infinity of God’s supply is recognizing that supply is not material and opening consciousness to receive it. Supply is not received in your pocketbook, but in your consciousness. Then it translates itself—or we perceive it—as what fills the pocketbook.
We must not think about whether or not we deserve infinite supply. God’s abundance is never withheld from anyone because of their sins or given to anyone because of their virtues. That belief is human superstition. God’s grace is infinite and omnipresent and depends only on realizing that it is an activity of your own consciousness. The reason for lack and limitation is the failure to keep your consciousness active, alert, alive, and receptive. Lack and limitation, poverty and riches, have nothing to do with whether you are good or bad. They only have to do with whether or not you can accept the truth that God’s grace is omnipresent here where I am, and because God’s grace is spiritual, I have to open my consciousness—not my pocketbook—to receive it. I receive God’s grace in consciousness, in my Spirit, and then, as I take no thought, I find that it translates itself into food, clothing, housing, transportation, and all things needed for human experience. But if I take thought for money or transportation or food or clothing, I lose my spiritual demonstration because God knows nothing of those material things.
God feeds, clothes, houses, maintains and sustains His image and likeness by an act of divine grace, not by any act of yours or mine. Our only activity is receptivity. But we are not being receptive if we are holding out a begging bowl or an open pocketbook. We must open that through which God appears and acts—our consciousness—and in that receptivity, God’s grace pours through to us. Then we go about our business, taking no thought and simply doing those things which are necessary for us to do. In the earlier part of our spiritual experience, we return frequently during the day to opening ourselves to God’s grace, to God’s supply.
Our supply appears in the miraculous ways that God has. We have nothing to do with how supply reaches us. All we have to do is recognize that since God is Spirit, supply is spiritual, and then open consciousness to receive it. We take no thought as to how it will appear; we leave that to the Father within. God’s grace is an act of consciousness, and only as we open our consciousness to that fact will we discover the spiritual source of supply.
In the kingdom of God there is only life and love. As we open our consciousness to life, we receive health, because the life of God is not diseased. As we open our consciousness to love, we recognize that the love of God is the substance, or fulfillment, of supply. It puts leaves and fruit on trees, gives us divine grace, and appears outwardly as what we call food and clothing and housing. Praying to God for those material things is a waste of time, since God knows nothing of them. God is the source of the substance that appears outwardly as these things. Therefore, you will never have them unless you have God’s love.
When we open our consciousness to God’s grace and love, we are not opening our consciousness to material things, but to the substance of all form—the Spirit of God. When we open our ears and mind, we are not going to God for money, automobiles, houses, or clothing. We are realizing that God’s grace and love are “closer to me than breathing, nearer than hands and feet.”[2] The ears are open to hear and the mind is open to see or receive, and what we receive is the Spirit of God, the awareness of the Presence, the feeling of the Presence. This is God’s grace, and this is God’s supply. When we receive it, in some way unbeknownst to us, it translates Itself into food, clothing, housing, money, or whatever form supply must take.
Remember, the religious world does not receive God’s grace and supply because it is turning to God for material things of which God has no awareness. It is only legitimate to turn to God for God’s grace, love, and peace, and to know the will of God. God is Spirit, and to go to God for anything but spiritual awareness is like going to a pauper for money. You are going to somebody for something that they haven’t got. God does not have money, gold, silver, diamonds, meat, potatoes, fish, or vegetables. God knows nothing of those things. All that God knows is the Spirit of God which, through God’s grace, is upon us. We translate this grace into terms of food and clothing and housing according to our conditioning. The conditioning of two thousand years ago was such that donkeys were considered a mode of transportation. With today’s conditioning, transportation can be air travel at high speed.
Asking God for anything material is dishonoring God. God is the infinite Intelligence that created a whole universe, including us. How stupid we have been in seeking material things from God. All that God is, I am, and all that the Father hath is mine—once I have overcome my religious superstitions and ignorance. We have lack and limitation in the world because the world has set itself apart from God and forgotten that God is Omniscience, the all-knowing.
God is Spirit, and we are spiritual. Our supply is spiritual, and because of our oneness with God, supply is omnipresent. All we have to do is recognize that “I and my Father are one,”[3] and then turn within in that oneness. “Thy grace is my sufficiency,”[4] and so within ourselves, we are receptive not to money, but to the love of God and the grace of God that is always upon us. The ears are open, the mind is awake, and we are receiving the grace of God, the word of God, which is spiritual. Then we go about our business. If we are in the wrong business, we will be moved into the right business. God’s grace does not depend on what we do or do not do. It depends only on what we are—offspring of God. That is the only qualification for receiving God’s good. It makes no difference if you dress windows in a beer saloon or are an adulteress or a thief on the cross. God’s grace depends only on our relationship of oneness with God. The instant I realize my divine sonship, God’s grace is upon me.
Grace will take care of my immediate supply and my health, and then it will change my nature. God’s grace does not depend on our being virtuous first. The adulteress, the thief on the cross, the syphilitic, all received God’s grace. When? In the moment that they opened themselves to it. By opening consciousness to God’s grace, sins and the desire for sin disappear. Trying to be good before we go to God is putting the cart before the horse. Go to God before you are good, and you will find that the going to God provides the goodness.
Forget all human circumstances and open your consciousness to divine grace, realizing that “Thy grace is my sufficiency,” whether I am a saint or a sinner; whether I am in sickness or in health; whether I humanly deserve it or not. Spiritually, I am the child of God, and God has never disinherited any of His children. This is the secret of the spiritual life: Regardless of our sins, we are still under God’s grace. When you open your consciousness to the nature of the divine, “though your sins were scarlet, you are white as snow.”[5] It makes no difference if those sins persist for a while because of human habit. Pay no attention to that. From the moment that your consciousness is open to receive an inner grace, the new way opens. Your sins and the penalties for them begin to dissolve, and you begin to live not by might nor by power; not by brains nor by virtues, but by divine grace.
[1] Matthew 4:4
[2] Alfred, Lord Tennyson, “The Higher Pantheism”
[3] John 10:30
[4] 2 Corinthians 12:9
[5] Isaiah 1:18
Joel focused on the subject of supply over and over again in his writings and classes. In fact, if you use the Joel Goldsmith Electronic Library Search Tool and search on the word “supply,” you will find that it appears in hundreds and hundreds of book chapters and transcripts. Clearly, Joel felt that it was an important topic.
One book actually has the word “Supply” in the book title: Invisible Supply. Several books devote an entire chapter to the subject of supply. Should you wish to study the topic of supply further, click/tap here for a detailed list of these book and chapter references.
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