The Recording for Session 1 is 391B, from the 1961 Maui Work, titled “Scriptural Quotation Lesson, continued.” It is the basis for Chapter 8, “Scripture As a Way of Life,” in Living by the Word. This recording is no longer available on this site. If you subscribe to the Joel Goldsmith Streaming Service, you can listen to it there. To purchase the recording and/or the transcript from The Infinite Way Office, click/tap here.
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Joel’s Suggestions
In this class, Joel gave a few study recommendations. First, he encouraged us to use a Bible Concordance. Second, he suggested a way to work with Bible passages: “The profit that comes from reading the Bible is in being able to select a passage of Scripture, take it into meditation, ponder it, try to get back into the spirit and experience of the one who revealed it, or the circumstances that brought it forth, and then seeing whole new meanings that are brought to light by those things.”
Third, at the end of the class, he asked the students to work with specific Scripture passages. The first was: “Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it.” (Psalm 127:1)
The second was “God is not in the whirlwind, but in the still, small voice.” (See 1 Kings 19:11-12) Joel suggested that we use that passage as the opening for our day, remembering that God is not in the problems; God is not in the storms of life. “God is not external to you; God is in the still small voice within you. Then, regardless of what takes place in your day, you will remember this, and then you’ll remember that there’s no power in the storm, there’s no power in the external circumstance, All the power there is, is in the still small voice within you. Regardless of the lions that you face on the street, or the storms, or the headlines, remember, God is not in these; power is not in these. All power is in the still small voice within you.”
If you are interested in learning more from Joel about Scripture, any of these three books by Joel will be helpful:
* Spiritual Interpretation of Scripture
* Living by the Word
* The Master Speaks
Also, in some of Joel’s classes, he recommends two books on the Bible by Marchette Chute: “I find a great deal of good in Marchette Chute’s books, The Search for God and The End of the Search. They seem to answer something in me along the lines of scripture.” The Search for God addresses the one idea that dominates the whole Bible, despite the fact that the Bible was written in a variety of forms by a variety of men. The End of the Search is about the book of Revelation.
Other Resources
Q: Do you recommend the New English Bible, New Testament by Oxford University and Cambridge University Press, and other versions and translations such as the Revised Standard Version Holy Bible by George Lamsa and the Smith Goodspeed Bible? To read, click/tap here.
Q: Do you consider it essential to study the Scriptures, and if so, what is the best approach? To read, click/tap here.
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