Q: Could you please talk to us about the Circle of Christhood? (10-3-20)1

A:  All over that part of the globe where there are Infinite Way students, there are some few who devote a part of each day to what we will call prayer, but which I know you will not confuse with what the world calls prayer.  This prayer is actually a meditation and a realization of the truth that since God is the only lawgiver and the only law, all government is spiritual.  Government is not of man; government is of God.  Government does not exist by legal law, but by spiritual law, and God maintains justice, equity, mercy, benevolence, and equality by a divine decree. 

Because God is omnipotent and there is no other power, there is no power to thwart the activity of spiritual government, government by God, manifested through the consciousness of individual being.  The carnal mind, the antichrist manifested as lust, ambition, greed, domination, and tyranny, is not power.  This is not power because being impersonal, it has no person in whom, on whom, or through whom to operate.

By impersonalizing evil, these students give it no channel of operation, no mode of operation, no avenue of operation, and thereby a higher sense of government is made manifest through the men and women in government by electing into office those more readily capable of being God-governed and by eliminating from office those who are not yet receptive and responsive to the spiritual urge.

Now, in this manner, these students are helping to change the course of human events.  The reason there are so few, and the reason that we only add to these slowly and gradually, is this: In order to engage in this work, the student must be above partisanship.  They must be above parties.  They must even be above nationalists.  In other words, it won’t do for those who are too patriotic to engage in this, because their interest is more that their own country succeed than that spiritual justice be made manifest on earth.  

They [who do this work] cannot be those who believe that all of the right is in one political party, and all of the wrong is in another, or that all men are good and right because they are in this party, and all men are inevitably wrong and bad because they’re in that party.  These students must be those who can close their eyes to personalities, to parties, to nationals, and be so pure of heart that within themselves, they can say, “Thy will be done on earth, not mine.”  They must be willing to declare within themselves that the carnal mind has no outlet, has no channel, has no presence, has no power, is but the arm of flesh, and then let the votes fall where they may.

It is exactly the same way that a practitioner must work when dealing with family matters—husbands and wives and children, estates and so forth.  There can be no such thing as sympathizing with the wife, criticizing the husband, thinking good or evil of the children.  There must be a complete inner realization of God as the mind, life, spirit, soul, truth of individual being, and of the carnal mind as having no power anywhere, and no person in whom, on whom, or through whom to operate.

So then, all of our students try to do this type of work and fit themselves to be successful in nullifying carnal mind, mortal mind, and its activities.  Thereby, they become part of that Circle of Christhood.

1This excerpt is from Recording 276B, from the 1959 London Closed Class, “A Meditation on ‘I’” It is posted with kind permission from the Estate of Joel S. Goldsmith, which holds the copy protection on the recorded classes and the copyright on the transcripts. The full transcript of this recording is available at www.joelgoldsmith.com or by calling 1-800-922-3195.