Meditations with Joel

Joel often says that meditation is the most important practice in The Infinite Way. While we all intend to maintain our meditation practice, sometimes we have difficulty because of challenging life circumstances.

In session four of our study program on meditation, we posted some helpful suggestions for meditation practice. One of those suggestions was to “meditate with Joel” as a way of entering into meditation more easily.

Here, we have posted several classes and excerpts from classes in which Joel leads students in contemplative meditation. Each selection focuses on a specific aspect of spiritual living. These recordings can be helpful when you need some support with meditation. They also afford an opportunity to simply “meditate with Joel” when you are led to do that.  You might want to listen to the entire recording, or you might find that after just a few minutes, you have settled into quietness and can continue your meditation without the recording.

From time to time, we will post new selections.

Recording 8A-2: 1952 New Washington Series, “The Deep Silence of My Peace”

Theme: When faced with discord or inharmony, retire within and experience the peace.
Time: About one hour


Recording 74B: 1954 Honolulu Lecture Series, “Meditation – Fear Not”

Theme: Release yourself from fear.
Time: About one hour


Excerpt from Recording 221A: 1958 New York Closed Class, “A Meditation Prayer”

Theme: My relationship to God in the present moment.
Time: About 15 minutes


Excerpt from Recording 224A: 1958 London Closed Class, “A Lesson on Grace”

Theme: Rest in divine love and grace.
Time: About 4 minutes


Excerpt from Recording 302B: 1962 Los Angeles Closed Class, “Meditations”

Theme: Dominion over mind and body
Time: About 10 minutes


Excerpt from Recording 332A: 1960 Washington D.C. Closed Class, “Contemplative Meditation and Our God-given Dominion”

Theme: Bringing the mind and body into a state of being where God governs it.
Time: About 13 minutes


Excerpt from Recording 359B: 1960 New York Closed Class, “A Meditation on the Presence”

Theme: Centering yourself in the kingdom of God within you to receive the guidance, direction, support, and government of the Spirit.
Time: About 26 minutes.