Join A Scheduled Meeting

Click here to accept the terms of use and join the meeting.

At the present time, all Joel Goldsmith recordings are under copy protection. As sponsors of the Goldsmith Global Online Tape Group, we honor that protection. We are offering this online tape group under a license from The Infinite Way® to transmit these copy protected works over the Internet. We are deeply appreciative of this license agreement.

Our agreement requires that we ask anyone who participates in the online tape group to agree to “terms of use.” Those who spend time in the world of the Internet will be familiar with this commonly used procedure. While the formal agreement is in “legalese,” its major provisions are simple. Basically it asks you to agree that:

  • The recordings are copy protected material, and that you will respect the copy protection.
  • The online tape group is provided free of charge for shared listening to the recordings of Joel Goldsmith and is intended to be like a tape group meeting at a common location.

Agreeing to the terms of use entitles you to participate in the online tape group meeting. If you would like to read the formal terms of use, click here.

We understand that some may wonder why they are asked to agree to “terms of use” when the activity is a spiritual one.  Our view is that the copy protection laws of “this world” serve to maintain some order and fairness in the human realm, and we respect those laws. Copy protection law protects the integrity of a work, keeping it free from alteration and maintaining the original context of the work. We believe that sincere, dedicated spiritual seekers want assurance of a work’s integrity and will willingly give their consent to the terms of use.

  • It rarely happens, but if you are asked for a password when you join the meeting, the password is Joel (case-sensitive, so be sure to use a capital J).
  • If you have difficulty joining the meeting from an iPhone, iPad, or Android device, you can use an alternate method to join the meeting.  Write down the meeting number below. Then click here for instructions.  
  • Effective January 1, 2023, the meeting number is  2553 147 1414.


The “Join the Meeting” button is now at the top of this page for your convenience!