The Goldsmith Global Online Tape Group provides an opportunity for truth students around the world to meditate together and listen to the class recordings of Joel Goldsmith, the original revelator of the Infinite Way message.
Infinite Way students started tape groups in the 1950s when Joel Goldsmith began to record his classes on reel-to-reel tapes. Because the tapes and the tape players were very expensive, local student groups shared the expense of the equipment and met to hear the recordings.
The tape group tradition has continued even as the recordings became available in current formats, making them accessible and affordable for individual study. While the core practice for Infinite Way students is still individual study and meditation, students also value the experience of joining with others on the path to meditate and to hear the classes as Joel Goldsmith originally gave them.
Many people who study or are interested in the message of The Infinite Way do not have a local tape group to attend. The Online Tape Group makes it possible for you to join a worldwide tape group meeting using a computer, a telephone, or a mobile device.
The tape group is “live” in that all participants meditate together and hear the recording at the designated time. In this way, anyone, anywhere in the world can meditate with the group and experience the uplifted consciousness of the group meeting.
We conduct the online tape group according to Joel’s recommendations, just as we would conduct a local tape group. We begin each online meeting with a fifteen-minute meditation to prepare ourselves to receive the message of the day. A gentle gong signals the end of meditation. Then the host announces the recording, and we listen in silence. The recording is usually about one hour long. Following the recording, we have a five-minute meditation to contemplate what we received in the message, and then the host concludes the meeting. As Joel strongly suggested, there is no discussion so that participants can ponder the message of the class quietly within themselves.
The recorded works of Joel Goldsmith are currently under copy protection. We have arranged a license agreement with those who hold the copy protection that allows us to transmit the recordings over the Internet for this online tape group.
Marty and Liz Parker of Loomis, California, host the online tape group, which they started in 2010. Both have been Infinite Way students since 1984. For many years, they have hosted Goldsmith tape groups and study groups, and hosted classes for Infinite Way teachers. Liz and Marty worked extensively with Acropolis Books to make Joel’s books available as eBooks, to create the Electronic Library Search Tool, and to ensure the preservation and availability of Joel’s written work. They worked with The Infinite Way Office to create and launch the Joel Goldsmith Streaming Service. Liz is the author of the book An Introduction to The Infinite Way Message of Joel S. Goldsmith.
To learn how you can participate in the online tape group, click/tap here.
To view the current schedule for meetings, click/tap here.