Currently Posted Recordings

This page provides a list of all recordings that are currently posted on this website.  Clicking / tapping on the recording title will take you directly to the page for that recording. All recordings are posted with permission and under a license from the Estate of Joel S. Goldsmith.

Five types of recordings are regularly posted on this site: 

  1.  Recordings related to the current study program.
  2.  Recordings still posted from a previous study program (if any).
  3.  A monthly recording that relates to the practice of World Work.
  4. “Meditations with Joel,” which provide an opportunity to have a contemplative meditation with Joel.  (New on March 22, 2025)
  5.  Recording excerpts that provide an introduction to The Infinite Way.

In addition, from time to time, we post a recording from a special session, such as a holiday session or a fifth Saturday session.  

Current  Study Program: Meditation

For Session 1: The Function and Purpose of Meditation (11/16/24 and 11/23/24)

Recording 424A, “Meditation – Its Function and Purpose,” from the 1961 Stockholm Closed Class  (available through April 19, 2025)

This recording is the basis for Chapter 1, “Meditation: Its Function and Purpose,” in The Journey Back to the Father’s House.  To listen to the recording by telephone, call 1-641-715-3900 and enter 918546#.

Optional Study: Recording 475A, “Ten-Second Meditations,” from the 1962 Princess Kaiulani Open Class  (available through April 19, 2025)

This recording was used as source material for Chapter 6, “Pray Without Ceasing,” and Chapter 7, “Planting and Cultivating the Seed,” in The Altitude of Prayer.  To listen to the recording by telephone, call 1-641-715-3900 and enter 685782#.

For Session 2: The Goal of Meditation (12/7/24 and 12/14/24)

Recording 20B, “God As the Law in Operation, continued,” from the 1953 New Hawaiian Series  (available through April 19, 2025)

This recording is the basis for Chapter 2, “Attaining the God-Experience” in Living the Infinite Way. To listen to the recording by telephone, call 1-641-715-3900 and enter 923600#.

For Session 3: The Forms of Meditation in The Infinite Way (12/21/24 and 12/28/24)

Recording 281B, “Practicing the Presence, Meditation, and Treatment,” from the 1959 England Open Class  (available through April 19, 2025)

This recording was not used as source material for any book. To listen to the recording by telephone, call 1-641-715-3900 and enter 968475#.

For Session 4: The Forms of Meditation in The Infinite Way, Part 2 (1/4/25 and 1/11/25)

Recording 353B, “Omniscience, Contemplative Meditation, and Prayer,” from the 1960 London Open Class (available through April 19, 2025)

This recording is the basis for Chapter 6, “Contemplative Meditation,” in The Contemplative Life. To listen to the recording by telephone, call 1-641-715-3900 and enter 968601#.

For Session 5: Releasing the “Hidden Splendor” Through Contemplative Meditation (1/18/25 and 1/25/25)

Recording 170A, “The Purpose and Method of Contemplative Meditation,” from the 1956 Portland Closed Class (available through April 19, 2025)

This recording was not used as source material for any book. To listen to the recording by telephone, call 1-641-715-3900 and enter 975750#.

For Session 6: Another Approach to Contemplative Meditation: Using Scripture (2/1/25 and 2/8/25)

Recording 58A: “Treatment, Meditation, and Prayer and Note from Hawaii,” from the 1953 Chicago Lecture Series (available through April 19, 2025)

This recording is one of many used as source material for Chapter 3, “The Practice,” and Chapter 5, “The Difficulties,” in The Art of Meditation. To listen to the recording by telephone, call 1-641-715-3900 and enter 978169#.

Recording 58B: “Treatment, Meditation, and Prayer and Note from Hawaii, continued,” from the 1953 Chicago Lecture Series (available through April 19, 2025)

This recording was not used as source material for any book. To listen to the recording by telephone, call 1-641-715-3900 and enter 767432#.

For Session 7: Higher States of Consciousness Attained Through the Practice of Meditation (2/15/25 and 2/22/25)

Recording 231A: “Practicing the Presence – Communion – Union,” from the 1958 London Open Class (available through April 19, 2025)

This recording is the basis for Chapter 6, “Steps to Union with God,” in Seek Ye First. To listen to the recording by telephone, call 1-641-715-3900 and enter 983799#.

Recording 319A: “Practicing the Presence: Contemplation, Meditation, Communion,” from the 1960 Indianapolis Special Class (available through April 19, 2025)

This recording was not used as source material for any book. To listen to the recording by telephone, call 1-641-715-3900 and enter 119961#.

For Session 8: Meditation and Healing (3/1/25 and 3/8/25)

Recording 350B: “Treatment – Meditation ‘Be Not Afraid,’” from the 1960 Second London Closed Class (available through April 19, 2025)

This recording used as source material for “Introduction” in A Parenthesis in Eternity, and Chapter 5, “Resting in Oneness,” in Realization of Oneness. To listen to the recording by telephone, call 1-641-715-3900 and enter 986363#.

Recording 253B: “Specific Truth for Treatments,” from the 1959 Halekou Special Work (available through April 19, 2025)

This recording is the basis for Chapter 6, “Specific Truth for Treatment,” in The Heart of Mysticism, Volume 6.  To listen to the recording by telephone, call
1-641-715-3900 and enter 211784#.

For Session 9: Meditation Without Words or Thoughts (3/15/25 and 3/22/25)

Recording 427B: “Christ in Meditation,’” from the 1961 New York Special Class (available through April 19, 2025)

This recording is the basis for Chapter 11, “Unconditioning the Mind” in The Journey Back to the Father’s House. To listen to the recording by telephone, call
1-641-715-3900 and enter 993828#.

World Work Recording for March 2025

Each month, we post a recording that relates to World Work, a practice that Joel recommended for students who wish to participate.

Recording 562B, “World Work 1964 – We May Not Pass on the Other Side,” from the 1964 London Studio Class (available through March 31, 2025)

This class was used as source material for Chapter 12, “Do Not ‘Pass by on the Other Side’,” in The Mystical I, and Chapters 3, 4, 5, 8, and 10 in The Government of Eden To listen to the recording by telephone, call 1-641-715-3900 and enter 828754#.

Recording for the Meditation in the Question and Answer for
February 1, 2025

Recording 359B, “A Meditation on the Presence,” from the 1960 New York Class (available through April 19, 2025)

This class was used as source material for Chapter 4, “Our Love for God,” in The Gift of Love. To listen to the recording by telephone, call 1-641-715-3900 and enter 777358#.

Meditations with Joel (NEW on March 22, 2025)

These recordings are classes and/or excerpts from classes in which Joel leads students in contemplative meditation. Each selection focuses on a specific aspect of spiritual living. The recordings can be helpful when you need support with meditation or simply want to “meditate with Joel.” 

Currently, seven recordings or excerpts from recordings are posted. All recordings are on one page and can be accessed here. 

Introduction to The Infinite Way: Audio Excerpts from Joel’s Classes

In  these selected excerpts, Joel talks about various aspects of the Infinite Way message.  Each excerpt focuses on a key principle, practice, or other topic of interest to those who want to learn about Joel’s teaching.  These recordings are always available. 

1. Joel speaks about the nature of God (16 minutes)

2. Joel speaks about the nature of individual being (5 minutes)

3. Joel speaks about the nature of error, or evil (15 minutes)

4. Joel speaks about the nature of prayer (10 minutes)

5. Joel speaks about the meaning of “The Christ” (9 minutes)

6. Joel speaks about the practice of meditation (18 minutes)

7. Joel speaks about spiritual healing (13 minutes)

8. Joel speaks about supply (13 minutes)