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On Saturday, December 3, 2022, we started a study of the book Awakening Mystical Consciousness, which is the collection of the 1970 Infinite Way Monthly Letters. The book description provides a preview of the book:
Hidden behind the personal self is the real Self, that which Paul called “The Christ,” or our spiritual identity. To awaken mystical consciousness is to come to that point where we can spiritually apprehend this truth about ourselves and each other and live by it.
This is a practical book. Goldsmith explains the spiritual principles and the practices that will help us to awaken. He gives instruction on how to use contemplation, meditation, and inner communion to attain the realization of the true Self. With care and in detail, he addresses the nature of God as omnipresence, omnipotence, and omniscience; the nature of spiritual power, our real identity, the nature of concepts, and the barriers that can obstruct the way to realization. But Goldsmith clearly emphasizes that these statements of truth are not Truth. They only help us get into the center of Being, where we can be receptive to the inner voice.
A mainstay of this book is erasing the false concept that man is separated from God, and that there is a God “out there” that can take away our sins, diseases, lacks and limitations. “Through this work,” says Goldsmith, “you are going to awaken out of the dream that there can be any separation. It wakes you up, and then you look around and realize you are in heaven. You have been there all the time, dreaming you were in hell.”
Goldsmith explains that awakening to mystical consciousness bears great fruitage. Through our realization of oneness, we regain our original dominion over our bodies and our lives. We can also demonstrate the healing consciousness, that consciousness that knows there is nothing to be healed, but only Truth to be revealed. “The goal,” he says, “is the attainment of this Spirit of God – mystical consciousness. That is the entire goal of the spiritual life.”
We trust that you will find this book to be a valuable follow-up to our work on Reality and Illusion, and we shall have a joyful journey through the book.
Awakening Mystical Consciousness is available online and through bookstores by request.
For each chapter in Awakening Mystical Consciousness, we will hear one recording that was used as source material for that chapter. If a chapter has more than one source recording, we may post a second recording for optional listening.
After we hear a recording for the first time, we will post that recording in the Study Center and on the telephone recordings line for ten weeks, and you can listen to it any time at your convenience. We are most grateful to Sue Ropac, on behalf of the Estate of Joel S. Goldsmith, for permission to post these recordings during our study program.
To access the “Recordings and Study Materials” page, click/tap here.
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