Consciousness Is What I Am – Introduction

Introduction to the Study Program

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Consciousness Is What I Am addresses the most important and least understood aspects of consciousness – what it is and how it can be opened to Truth.  Beginning with the principles of the nature of God and the nature of man, Joel ushers the reader progressively deeper into the secrets of consciousness and illuminates the truth that the real man is not the physical body, but the consciousness that governs it.  He points out the landmarks that suggest advancing consciousness as well as the possible pitfalls for the seeker.

Joel says that once a seeker experiences the universal Christ-Consciousness, they will find fulfillment, peace, rest, refreshment, and joy. They will be free of the shadows and illusions of the material world.  And as always, Joel teaches the practices that will enable us to attain this high state of consciousness.

Further, he emphasizes that realizing consciousness as our own true identity is not something we attain for ourselves alone.  As we come to that realization, we lift others:

“We are witnessing the ushering in of the Second Coming of the Christ, the coming of the Christ to human consciousness universally–not merely to saints and sages, nor to the few who become practitioners. No, the Christ is now coming to earth as the Consciousness of mankind. You and I are ushering in that age in this recognition:  “Consciousness is what I am. Christ is my individual consciousness and yours. Everyone who touches me anywhere on life’s journey must automatically be lifted up, if only a grain higher, in spiritual consciousness, with a grain less of sin, a grain less of disease, a grain less of old age, a grain less of false appetites. As we consciously begin to realize the Christ as the identity of every individual, we are establishing the reign of the Christ on earth.”

Consciousness Is What I Am is the collection of the 1969 Infinite Way Letters.  Yet the resource recordings for the book span nearly the whole of Joel’s recorded teaching ministry, ranging from a class in 1951 to classes in 1963 and 1964, illustrating the consistency and continuity of this essential teaching.

We trust that you will find this book to be a valuable follow-up to our work on prayer.

Retail Sources for the Book

Consciousness Is What I Am is available online and through bookstores by request.

Our Approach to Study

For each chapter in Consciousness Is What I Am,  we heard one recording that was used as source material for that chapter.  If a chapter had more than one source recording, we may have posted a second recording for optional listening.

After we heard a recording for the first time, it was posted in the Study Center and on the telephone recordings line for the duration of the study program and for four weeks after we concluded the program.  This enabled students to access all recordings used for the program, regardless of when they began to participate.  We are most grateful to Sue Ropac, on behalf of the Estate of Joel S. Goldsmith, for permission to post these copyrighted recordings.

To go to the “Recordings and Study Materials” page, click/tap here.