A: Now you will remember this, that I am not at all saying to you what is right and what is wrong, and do not take that from any of my writings. I am telling you only what is according to the teaching of this Infinite Way.
Now, yes, of course, it would be foolishness to say that speaking the name of the person or the name of the disease is wrong in the face of seventy-five years of the wonderful healings that have taken place in Christian Science and Unity with that very method, and probably New Thought. But according to The Infinite Way, we are dealing with an entirely different set of principles in which we never under any circumstances give a treatment to a person.
To begin with, we do not project our thoughts. We never direct our thoughts to a person. There is no transference of thought in this work. There is no such thing as influencing the mind of a patient in this work. This work has to do with . . . let me see if I can explain it to you with this statement of a principle: “My conscious oneness with God constitutes my oneness with all spiritual being and idea.” This is the theme of our manuscript Metaphysical Notes, and it runs throughout the entire book because it was the theme of that particular class, just like the theme that is running throughout this class is individual transcendental consciousness.
Now hear me again: “My conscious oneness with God.” You heard the words “conscious oneness,” not “my oneness with God.” We are all one with God. [I say] “my conscious oneness” because nothing can take place in my experience except through a conscious activity of my consciousness. Therefore, “My conscious oneness with God constitutes my oneness with all spiritual being and idea.”
Now, let us work that out in a practical way. I am pretty certain that there are a hundred and fifty people in this room at this moment who I have not heretofore known by name or any other way. Therefore I could not have given you a treatment to bring you to this class. I could not have mentioned your name and told you how wonderful it would be to be here.
But I did do something, of that you may be assured, because I had no intention of coming to an empty room to give a class, and here is what I did—and what I do—and I do it twenty times a day, seven days a week. It is not always in the daytime. I call night “day” also [because] to me, night is day. I consciously realize, “I and the Father are one, and that the Father says to me, “Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine.” And as I live in that conscious oneness with God, it draws to me all those who could bless me if, in turn, I could bless them. In other words, where there is a mutuality anywhere on the face of the globe, that conscious knowing would bring into my experience those whom I could bless and those who could in some way bless me, because all blessings are mutual.
Now, it has nothing whatsoever to do with person. It has to do with my relationship to God. And because I am consciously one with God, I am consciously one with all of God’s children—human, animal, vegetable, mineral. So that if I needed a pen, it would come to me. If I needed a book, it would come to me. If I needed a teacher or a master, it would come to me. If I needed an automobile, it would come to me. If I needed a seat on a plane or a room in a hotel, it would come to me because when I am consciously one with God, I am consciously one with every offspring of God. And I don’t have to know what I need. That’s God’s function, and God knows whether or not there is to be a class, and God knows who is to be in that class.
Or, if I were in the business world, I would be led to those who needed my product. I would be led to those who needed it now. I would be led to those whom my product could bless. But I wouldn’t be thinking about my product. The only time I would be thinking about my product was when I decided to represent it. I would find out if it were worthy of acceptance, if it were a service, if it were a worthwhile commodity, if it were price worthy, if it were of value. If it is, then I am ready to represent it. But now, if it is all that, I can assure you God knows it better than I do, and it is God’s good will to see that everyone who has need of it gets it. And it is God’s good will to see that those who produce it are remunerated for it. I don’t have to include that in my treatment; I only have to include in my treatment: “I and the Father are one, and my conscious oneness with God constitutes my oneness with all spiritual being and idea.”
And so whether I’m a spiritual teacher, or whether I am out selling merchandise or service, the same truth applies: “My conscious oneness with God constitutes my oneness with all good.”